Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen

Short Play, Drama  /  1w, 2m

People live in one room cellblocks in the London of 2010. Vivian, who is married to somebody else, wants to move in with Mick, a man old enough to remember when it was safe to walk around in London, when there were still birds and when you could procreate without a license. Mick yearns for a cottage…

Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 2m


People live in one room cellblocks in the London of 2010. Vivian, who is married to somebody else, wants to move in with Mick, a man old enough to remember when it was safe to walk around in London, when there were still birds and when you could procreate without a license. Mick yearns for a cottage in the country. Maybe his son Claude, a celebrated musician who is coming to visit after several years, will find it in his heart to help.

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
    This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.


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Caryl Churchill

Caryl Churchill was born on 3 September 1938 in London and grew up in the Lake District and in Montreal. She was educated at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Downstairs, her first play written while she was still at university, was first staged in 1958 and won an award at the Sund ...

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